Meeting Minutes from Aug. 27th

Thank you so much to everyone who came to the first meeting! The turnout was great, and I hope to see you all again at the next meeting.

For those reading who could not make it, here is the overview of the meeting:

  • Emails were gathered to create a mail list; if you want to join, please fill out the form on the contact tab above
  • A brief summary and explanation of the events for the semester was given; see the Schedule tab to keep up on dates, times, and meeting places. I’m trying to reserve a room so we will always have a regular place to meet. I reorganized the days we are meeting for the semester– now it is every 2 weeks starting from yesterday’s meeting.
  • Our next meeting is Wednesday, September 10th, at 5:30pm, location TBA. We will discuss tips and ways to go green in your dorm or apartment, as well as talk about the recycling program on campus. We will have a mixture of presenters, videos, and activities!
Hope to see you all there!!



First Meeting

Our first meeting of the semester will be this Wednesday, August 27th, at 5:30pm on the 4th floor of the Main Library (University Library). Look for us to the left of the staircase, we will have a large sign up so you will know where to find us!

 Join us to discuss the upcoming events for the semester, share ideas, and get to know fellow group members! 




Welcome to the Kent State Environmental Society!

Here you will find a fun and exciting way to learn about issues concerning the environment, while making friends who share similar interests. Students of all ages are welcome, whether undergraduate or graduate.

Join us at Blastoff, Sunday August 24th from 6:00- 8:30pm on the Student Green near Risman Plaza.

We hope to see you there!

risman plaza_KSU